Looking for some bite-size or more in-depth leadership and management development that you can access online flexibly, and at a time and place to suit you? Come and explore the range of different e-learning opportunities available to everyone in Herefordshire and Worcestershire Integrated Care System.
Like to further your leadership development whilst travelling in your car or on the train? Or perhaps while you are working out? Here is some inspiration for podcasts on leadership and management topics – all recommended by your colleagues across Herefordshire and Worcestershire Integrated Care System
Looking for some resources or guidance to support you in your leadership and management role? Here you can find a range of useful resources, self-assessments and guidance to help facilitation your growth and development as a leader and manager
Got a particular topic or area of your leadership you would like to develop further or learn more about? In this section you can find development opportunities linked to specific topics for leaders and managers including Wellbeing, System Working and Recruitment.