Leadership & Management Development – 360 Feedback

  • Healthcare Leadership Model 360 Dimensions

    360 degree feedback is a powerful development tool to help you identify where your leadership strengths and development needs lie - regardless of job role.  The process includes getting anonymous feedback from line managers, peers and direct reports (where applicable).  This feedback is then facilitated with you through a conversation with a trained facilitator during which you will be provided with a copy of your 360 Feedback Report. 
    360 feedback gives you a valuable insight into your own and other people’s perceptions of your leadership abilities and behaviour.  NB You do not have to be in a formal leadership/management role to benefit from receiving 360 feedback using this tool – it works equally well for aspiring leaders.

    • The Healthcare leadership model describes key behaviours for being an effective leader and enables you to review your own abilities and development against nine different leadership dimensions. 

      • Inspiring Shared Purpose

      • Leading with care

      • Evaluating information

      • Connecting our service

      • Sharing the vision

      • Engaging the team

      • Holding to account

      • Developing capability

      • Influencing for results
      You can complete a self-assessment of your leadership abilities for free

      You and your raters will rate you and provide you with feedback against each of these nine key leadership dimensions.  More details on the model can be found here.

      • As part of the process you will need to:

        • Start a 360 feedback questionnaire for yourself. This usually incurs a cost of £40 (although some programmes fund this for participants)

        • Once you have found a facilitator, set them up as your 360 feedback facilitator on the NHS Leadership Academy system

        • Set up your raters on the website and invite them to complete their ratings – there is wording to help you in this Guide for selecting raters

        • Complete your free self-assessment against the Healthcare Leadership model

        • Agree a mutually convenient date for your 360 feedback conversation with your facilitator (allow up to 2 hours)

        • Have a facilitated (& confidential) feedback conversation with your trained facilitator (virtually or face to face), who will work with you to explore your report and what this might mean for you and your development.  You will usually receive your 360 report during this conversation

        Further guidance can be found on the Quick Start User Guide and Guidance for selecting raters.

          • Make contact with your feedback facilitator at an early point – suggest a short conversation initially to meet each other – and to arrange a time for your feedback conversation

          • When choosing your raters, resist the urge to only select people who you think might rate you favourably.  One of the aims of the process is to support your development, so look to include some raters who might be constructive in their feedback and who have seen you in different contexts. 

          • Consider including people from different organisations you have contact with, to provide you with a broad perspective of your leadership

          • Recommend you approach 10-15 raters spread across the different rater groups (line manager, peers, direct reports, others).  NB Aim for 3-5 in each of the rater groups if possible (obviously other than line manager) to allow for non-responses.  You require a minimum of three rater responses in a rater group for this data to be visible to you in your report

          • Keep on top of your response rates and follow up with your raters as necessary

          • Aim to keep your questionnaire open for about 6 weeks to allow people time to respond.  NB You will need to go in and close your questionnaire after this time to submit the report to your facilitator

            • Take a look at the guidance documents

            o   Quick Start User Guide

            o   Guidance for selecting raters 

            • We have a group of highly experienced 360 feedback facilitators locally.  Please contact Abby Oates abigailoates@nhs.net if you would like to be able to view this list

              • FileAccredited 360 Feedback Facilitators – Herefordshire and Worcestershire ICS
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